Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life lately (Part 1).

Ok, so I can't go back in time and fill up this blog with entries. BUT one thing I can do is post pictures of things that have happened this year so you can get small taste of what life has been like...and let me tell you, it's been pretty good. Here is just the fall semester...I didn't want to overload you with TOO many pictures. Spring semester coming SOON:) Enjoy.

I returned to Belhaven early in August to be a Peer Leader for a 3rd and final time. This is me as Lady Gaga in a video we put together for the Freshman. As you can tell, I loved it.

This was my AWESOME Peer Group. So many wonderful people and the best Peer Partners ever, fellow seniors Lake and Gip.

After being separated for 3 months, I FINALLY got to see Dan again. It was (and still is) pretty great to be in such close proximity to each other. I'm definitely cherishing each and every moment we get to spend together these days.

I was chosen to be on Homecoming Court and I loved that both of my parents were able to come and spend the weekend with me. I didn't win Queen, but that's ok-the time spent with friends and family was invaluable.

Ahhhh....another reunion I loved was once again being with my bestie and room-bug Marie. Here we are with homemade pumpkin spice cappuccinos, made with the help of my espresso machine. YUM.

I played several parts in Belhaven's experimental take on "Romeo and Juliet", which we called "Juliet and her Romeo." And by 'several parts' I mean I played at least 9. There were only 8 of us in the show and it was one of the most challenging plays I've ever been in. I also played a man quite a lot and when I wore this mustache I also felt I should stick out my tongue.

For my 22nd birthday, Dan and I got some yummy sushi and these delightful creations from Maggie Moo's. I've found the perfect ice cream combo there-fresh banana ice cream with Reece's Cups and chocolate syrup mixed in. HEAVEN.

For my birthday weekend, I visited Dave in Oklahoma, his new home. We had an amazing weekend together...yep, he's not only my brother but one of my best friends.

Sadly, he couldn't make it home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but thank goodness for Skype.

I got to direct a One Act show, which was such an amazing experience. Here are some of the other directors on opening night. These people are some of the coolest cats around...

Best. Class. Ever. This is one thing I'm really going to miss when I leave Belhaven...we had a wonderful response to our shows from the student body.

Footie Pajamas...my super cool Christmas present from Dan. :)

I baked lots and lots of sugar cookies and other various goodies...the Christmas season just puts me in the mood to bake non-stop.

Our cute decorations for our Christmas gathering at the 'Plex. Definitely inspired by a Target commercial.

Road trip to Pensacola for Becki & Zach's wedding, which was awesome and precious and SO them.

First dance.

A group of beautiful seniors...if I do say so myself.

Guess who caught the bouquet?

Monday, April 25, 2011

A graduate. Almost.

So much for being diligent about writing a lot this semester...haha time has once again escaped from me and now it's April and not the beginning of a semester, but the end. The end of my undergraduate career, actually.


It's very odd to write that, think that, know that. In just a few short days my family will be coming (including David:)) I can't tell you how happy it makes me to think of our reunion. Times with my family have become so very precious, which is part of the reason why I'll be returning to Ohio the week after graduation to spend a month with mum and pop before I head out to Colorado once again. I've missed them. I don't want to be home forever and turn into one of those people that just "hangs out" all the time...aka doing nothing. That's just not me. After 4 years of GO GO GO it'll be nice to just BE, rest and recover. In some small way, I think I've earned it. I don't want to write anymore papers, listen to anymore lectures, or read any books that I don't want to read. (I'm noticing right now that I keep making lists in this blog post...too many years of making them in my planner I suppose). Coupled with all of this angst and readiness to bust outta this joint, there's also sadness. A lot of sadness that I haven't really allowed myself to deal with full out. Starting last week, the realizations that I'm doing things for the last time and that I will not return to my friends in the fall have hit me hard. I've found myself tearing up a lot more and I'm having a hard time leaving Daniel's house. Just tonight I started to cry as I drove away. I can't qualify it as sense memory, because I haven't driven away from him for the last time in awhile yet...that'll come May 5th-ish. But it's the foreshadowing of that drive that brought the tears. Silly, I know. But I'm a girl and I just can't help it.

There's also a bit of fear in the unknown...what WILL happen in the fall? I've applied for a dorm parent position at a boarding school in Steamboat where I'd also get the chance to help with the drama program. Just thinking about it is SO exciting to me. I'd like to take a break from acting and performing for awhile and just serve God, love people. I want to feel as if I'm making a difference somewhere and after working at camp last summer, I realize my work is with people. Not to say that I'm swearing off acting. Who knows what opportunities will arise. But for right now, God has something else planned. What if being a dorm parent doesn't happen and I do end up living with my parents for awhile? Will I be content with that? What if God calls me back to Jackson? That is a little hard to fathom, but I can't say 100% that it won't happen. Yes of course I'd love to be close to Dan again...I think that's a given. But I also feel like it's time to move on from Jackson...to do something else. I don't feel safe here and wouldn't feel comfortable settling here long term. Ai yi yi...my newly un-colleged brain is overloaded with all of these thoughts. I need to relax, take comfort in Proverbs 3 (Trusting in God so he can direct my path), and do something mindless. I just watched "It's Kind Of A Funny Story" and it was just so quirky and endearing-thank you Redbox for finally having good movies for me to rent.

I guess I can't get away from making lists because I feel the urge to start one RIGHT NOW. Not a boring grocery list or a list of yucky tasks, but a FUN list. Here goes.

-Make a list of books to read (that will be another blog post)
-Give lots of my clothes to consignment shops/Goodwill/anyone who wants them. I have far too many and it's just embarrassing and ridiculous. They could be put to good use.
-Make a shirt with petals around the collar made from old t-shirts of mine.
-BAKE. And cook. Make lots and lots of yummy smoothies.
-Come up with recipes that taste good AND are good for you. I love healthy substitutions.
-Finish reading "The Artist's Way."
-Make a T-Shirt bag: http://www.marthastewart.com/article/good-thing-t-shirt-bag
-Re-paint and re-design my mom's kitchen and my great aunt's lake side house.
-Lay outside and get lots of Vitamin D.
-Ride my bike and/or roller blade every single day.
-Get a Vespa. http://www.vespausa.com/scooters.html#!s=maintenance-and-warranty/lxv-150-i.e
-Try the new frozen yogurt place in my hometown. Nothing will be able to beat Sweet Cece's I'm afraid...

There are several more things that I just can't think of at the moment. I've been sitting on my bum for a few hours and I'm getting the urge to clean...probably a good thing, seeing as how I have to move out in a little over a week. WOOF.

Tata for now...be looking back for more blog posts in the near future from this ALMOST graduated lady.