After much waiting and anticipation, I finally made it to Steamboat Springs! The flight from Columbus to Denver was a little more turbulent than I expected and, as always, that freaks me out. Surprisingly the flight over the mountains (from Denver to Hayden, the airport 30 minutes away from camp) was LESS turbulent. I was thankful for that...we JUST missed the storms! It was still pretty rainy though and cold. This adopted Southerner no longer has the ability to stand 50 degree or below temps for long periods of time. Very sad fact, but true.
I've only been here since Sunday, but I feel like it's been much longer than that...maybe a month? Or two? I've adjusted pretty well to the altitude without the aid of any drugs, just tons and tons of water...which makes me pee quite a lot. But I feel super healthy and cleansed all the time, so that's a wonderful benefit. The mud and rain that was present the first 2 days of camp has now pretty much dried up and I'm staring at slightly cloudy (but sunny skies)'s probably in the lower 70s. Much better than hailing, rainy 50s! The nights are still pretty cold. One large reason would be because the screen on my door leading to the outside doesn't have a glass in front of it so I had to "ghetto rig" it, as I like to say. Basically that consists of a thin cloth tacked in front of the screen, most of my hanging clothes, and then a towel strung over that. I haven't noticed much help from that...I'm sleeping in a sweatshirt, multiple shirts and pairs of socks, and sweatpants. Sadly my parents are in North Carolina right now and can't send me any of my warm clothes from home. Only a few more weeks and then I won't have to wear my same old Belhaven College sweatshirt all the time!
Like I said, so much has happened in these past few days and it's really hard to wrap my mind around it all. I've met tons of new people and continue to meet new ones daily. The Technical Director here is from Ohio-I knew I had to meet him when I saw he was wearing a Buckeyes sweatshirt! I've also had the immense pleasure of meeting my fellow counselors...we come from ALL over and all walks of life and backgrounds and such. It's eye opening, beautiful, difficult (at times) and crazy, all at the same time! I was a little lonely a few nights ago but now we're all meshing and blending more, and I can honestly say I love each one of them. We laugh and laugh and laugh until we're practically crying and peeing our pants. Belly laughter is my favorite! We have inside jokes all over the place and I bought a pair of $5 "State Trooper" aviators...I call them my authority glasses. Basically I look REALLY authoritative and official in them...those kids won't know what's coming to them!
We've done a few different counselor activities each night, which are totally necessary after all of the meetings we have all day. We got to go to the hot springs the other night, which was super awesome! It's basically natural hot baths in the earth...kinda like an earthen hot tub. We went to a place where clothing is optional after dark but we left before then. Someday when I'm old, I WILL return there and partake of that! Last night we went into Steamboat and walked around and got coffee. I LOVE developed downtowns, and that is certainly one of them. It's adorable, and there are a lot of fun shops. We're going to be taking the kids there once a week, so it was good to be familiar with the town. I don't know how that's going to work exactly, but they've been doing it for years so I'm sure it'll all flow once we get the hang of everything.
Another interesting experience I've had is learning how to drive a 15 passenger van! It's not as scary as I initially thought and it makes me feel like I own the road, which I love. Combine that with my Statie sunglasses and I'm basically unstoppable!
(Sooo I started this many days ago but I haven't been able to get on the internet now I'm going to finish it!)
I also rode a horse the other day for the first time in a long while and I forgot how relaxing that is. Sometimes it's just nice to sit on a horse and not really have to do anything, except move the reins occasionally. Plus it's a really beautiful way to observe nature and breathe in the fresh air. I can't get OVER how clean the air is here. It's unbelievable.
The 11th, 12th, and college age kids arrived the other day so that's been interesting and fun. Except at the same time, I'm feel a bit useless because the counselors for the older kids are taking care of their kids and I'm just doing random office work and such. Or crocheting...quite a lot. I'm on my third hat so far and it's REALLY fun. I'm trying new patterns and making them for people here. Inspiration is just FLOWING!
I got placed in Jazz I and Tap I and those classes start tomorrow...yippee! I've taken tap before but never Jazz-it's going to be great.
This post has taken me far too long to write, so I think I'm just going to end this. Basically I love life, nature, the out of doors, and people. And Jesus. I think this whole experience is going to bring me closer to him. I'm happy to be alive!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A lot on my mind.
I know I haven't blogged much lately, but I've been crazy busy. I've gotten to see all of my closest friends and spend some quality time with people I love-after all, it's going to be November before I see some of them again. I've also finished my little chair! It's a bit strange looking, but at the same time I love that little thing. Pictures to come soon. The best news is that I'm FINALLY almost packed for Colorado-I have to finish it up by tonight, because I leave in the tomorrow morning! Gotta love those early morning flights...getting up at 5 to be ready by 6, travel an hour to Columbus and then get on the plane to Denver by 8:30. I think it's safe to say that I'll be quite exhausted tomorrow night...hopefully I'll be able to get good sleep at my home for the summer!
Here is a view of downtown Steamboat Springs and the mountains behind can be jealous:

I can't wait to be there and meet everyone-that's going to be my favorite part. And just being settled, and hopefully not living out of a suitcase. I don't know what kind of room I have or storage space or ANYTHING, so this is already looking like the biggest adventure of my life thus far. I'm not very nervous about being far away, because, well, this type of thing is normal for me. After all, I chose to go to school in Mississippi of all places, not knowing anyone and having been there only one time before. The most nerve wracking part for me are the flights...yes, I've flown a lot these past 4 years but it still doesn't make me any less nervous. Lord Jesus, give me GOOD weather tomorrow and no turbulence!
So far this summer has been one of extreme blessing. So many good things have happened, so many relationships strengthened, so many creative endeavors! I've done things I haven't done before and have been able to fit in more lunch, coffee and dinner dates than I've ever thought possible. Not to mention, God is showing himself in new and glorious ways. I am continually amazed at the strength of his presence in my life and just this satisfaction I feel just by knowing him and learning more about him. It's incomparable. Lately though, I feel a sadness and I definitely know where it's coming from. I don't know...sometimes things work out differently in your mind than they do in real life, and that can be really frustrating. Maybe something's broken and you feel like you're the only person that can see it and feel it. I am SO completely guilty of having really high expectations, which, so far, has only led to let downs. I can't really explain exactly what I'm thinking or feeling, because I fear it sounds really silly. Guys and girls are just completely, 100% arguing with that. The way that we communicate and our wants and needs are not even remotely the same. I, amongst other women, have this vision in our minds that the guy is supposed to know what we're thinking, why we're thinking it, and that the guy should be able to come in and save the day and fix our problems. The guy is also "supposed" to be sensitive to our needs at all times and be available for us to spill everything at any time. Hmm...I can't think of too many guys who would go along with that. No one likes to be the dumping ground for one person's emotional problems ALL the time-that is REALLY tiring. We aren't meant to carry around the world's problems, but we try to with all of our might. And there's the problem-relying on OUR own strength and power to do everything, when we should be giving it to the One who's carried the world on His shoulders since he created it. Easy right?
No. (I could go on with that theme for a long time...I'm going to harness my ADD and stick with what I was writing before that! haha)
I don't consider myself an emotionally needy person...I'm probably more of the opposite (the person whom people go to for help and advice). But lately, I've just felt semi-needy and sad. While many important things have been pretty constant, a few things are changing and I'm having to adjust to those changes. I guess my problem is I don't fully understand why the changes are happening and there are some things that keep happening that make things a little more muddy. I know what I need to do...CONFRONT. But I just really don't enjoy that. Especially when I feel like I'm going to be looked upon as crazy for it. Or possessive or needy or something gross like that. UGH. It's also really hard to do when you're just not clear where you stand with the other person. I think I'm just repeating myself so I'll probably just stop...and this probably makes no sense.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything and I had a small panic attack the other night and now it's just evened out into a sad feeling in my heart. There's also a fear of the future and the unknown and a list of about 100 irrational fears that keep rolling around in my mind. I feel like this time of extreme blessing isn't over...blessing never really stops, we just stop appreciating it...but I feel like God is saying "Here are some hard things are you going to deal with them? Are you still going to be thanking and praising me now?" Lately I've taken to crying out the Psalms to Him and reading them for comfort. Countless times he is cited as being the Rock, Redeemer, Fortress, Refuge, and let me tell you, I am claiming ALL of those things right now.
Here is a view of downtown Steamboat Springs and the mountains behind can be jealous:

I can't wait to be there and meet everyone-that's going to be my favorite part. And just being settled, and hopefully not living out of a suitcase. I don't know what kind of room I have or storage space or ANYTHING, so this is already looking like the biggest adventure of my life thus far. I'm not very nervous about being far away, because, well, this type of thing is normal for me. After all, I chose to go to school in Mississippi of all places, not knowing anyone and having been there only one time before. The most nerve wracking part for me are the flights...yes, I've flown a lot these past 4 years but it still doesn't make me any less nervous. Lord Jesus, give me GOOD weather tomorrow and no turbulence!
So far this summer has been one of extreme blessing. So many good things have happened, so many relationships strengthened, so many creative endeavors! I've done things I haven't done before and have been able to fit in more lunch, coffee and dinner dates than I've ever thought possible. Not to mention, God is showing himself in new and glorious ways. I am continually amazed at the strength of his presence in my life and just this satisfaction I feel just by knowing him and learning more about him. It's incomparable. Lately though, I feel a sadness and I definitely know where it's coming from. I don't know...sometimes things work out differently in your mind than they do in real life, and that can be really frustrating. Maybe something's broken and you feel like you're the only person that can see it and feel it. I am SO completely guilty of having really high expectations, which, so far, has only led to let downs. I can't really explain exactly what I'm thinking or feeling, because I fear it sounds really silly. Guys and girls are just completely, 100% arguing with that. The way that we communicate and our wants and needs are not even remotely the same. I, amongst other women, have this vision in our minds that the guy is supposed to know what we're thinking, why we're thinking it, and that the guy should be able to come in and save the day and fix our problems. The guy is also "supposed" to be sensitive to our needs at all times and be available for us to spill everything at any time. Hmm...I can't think of too many guys who would go along with that. No one likes to be the dumping ground for one person's emotional problems ALL the time-that is REALLY tiring. We aren't meant to carry around the world's problems, but we try to with all of our might. And there's the problem-relying on OUR own strength and power to do everything, when we should be giving it to the One who's carried the world on His shoulders since he created it. Easy right?
No. (I could go on with that theme for a long time...I'm going to harness my ADD and stick with what I was writing before that! haha)
I don't consider myself an emotionally needy person...I'm probably more of the opposite (the person whom people go to for help and advice). But lately, I've just felt semi-needy and sad. While many important things have been pretty constant, a few things are changing and I'm having to adjust to those changes. I guess my problem is I don't fully understand why the changes are happening and there are some things that keep happening that make things a little more muddy. I know what I need to do...CONFRONT. But I just really don't enjoy that. Especially when I feel like I'm going to be looked upon as crazy for it. Or possessive or needy or something gross like that. UGH. It's also really hard to do when you're just not clear where you stand with the other person. I think I'm just repeating myself so I'll probably just stop...and this probably makes no sense.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything and I had a small panic attack the other night and now it's just evened out into a sad feeling in my heart. There's also a fear of the future and the unknown and a list of about 100 irrational fears that keep rolling around in my mind. I feel like this time of extreme blessing isn't over...blessing never really stops, we just stop appreciating it...but I feel like God is saying "Here are some hard things are you going to deal with them? Are you still going to be thanking and praising me now?" Lately I've taken to crying out the Psalms to Him and reading them for comfort. Countless times he is cited as being the Rock, Redeemer, Fortress, Refuge, and let me tell you, I am claiming ALL of those things right now.
"The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish. Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins." Ps. 25:12-13.
"My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, Lord, I will seek." Ps. 27:8
It is just becoming more and more clear to me that I have been made to love and serve Christ and his people, and that is good enough for me. He isn't human...he gives me free love that will not disappoint. Why wouldn't I want to cling to him and follow him with my entire being? Good times, bad times, all times. I'm going to fail-I know this. Because I've failed many times before. But amazingly, he hasn't given up on me yet and I just pray that he shows me the path I need to take so I can walk on that only and not get distracted. Here's a song I heard on Pandora this morning that speaks to all that I'm feeling right now:
Amen. I have nothing to add to that.
Full Attention-Jeremy Riddle
May Your voice be louder
May Your voice be clearer
Than all the others
Than all the others
May Your face be dearer
May Your words be sweeter
Than all the others
Than all the others in my life
Please keep my eyes
Fixed on You
Please root my heart
So deep in You
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding
That I may bear fruit
May Your presence be truer
May Your presence be nearer
Than all the others
Than all the others
May Your light burn brighter
May Your love move deeper
Than all the others
Than all the others in my life
Than all the others
Than all the others
May Your face be dearer
May Your words be sweeter
Than all the others
Than all the others in my life
Please keep my eyes
Fixed on You
Please root my heart
So deep in You
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding
Keep me abiding
That I may bear fruit
May Your presence be truer
May Your presence be nearer
Than all the others
Than all the others
May Your light burn brighter
May Your love move deeper
Than all the others
Than all the others in my life
Amen. I have nothing to add to that.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Nathan, Amanda, and baby Elijah!
Sunday night held a very new experience for me. I was asked by my good friends who are expecting their first child (Elijah Christopher) if I would take pictures of them as a keepsake for this very exciting time in their lives. Pregnancy has been a bit of a rough journey for them, but they haven't given up their hope and faith in the One who is the giver of all good things. They are SUCH an inspiration to their marriage, the way they live their lives, and the way that they love this precious little boy already. I couldn't be happier for them, and I know they're going to make great parents! I was really going into this shoot because, well, I love taking pictures, but am not by any means a certified photographer. But we had a lot of fun and the photos ended up turning out very nice, and I hope they can cherish them for a very long time. I can't wait to take pictures of baby Elijah in the fall when I come home for break!
Here are some of my favorites...the lighting was perfect!
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