I love them QUITE a lot. I was a heathen today and didn't go to church, but instead I'm taking God's command for "rest" on the Sabbath quite seriously. This week has been absolutely insane..."Juliet and her Romeo" opens this coming Thursday. As mentioned in my last post, this whole process has been quite frustrating and hard and much of the stress this week has been finding time to memorize lines amidst the 800 other things I have to do. But God has been faithful, and has given me time with him and He's given people around me words of encouragement to share with me. I couldn't have made it through ANYTHING this week without the endless prayers offered up on my behalf. If you thought of me this week and prayed for me, THANK YOU. It helped.
Yesterday was one of the longest/hardest/most complicated days I've ever had in the theatre world and I'm glad it's over. It started out before 8am and then with a work call at 9am. We were supposed to have another tech rehearsal in the morning, but there was a lot that had to be done for our techs in the afternoon so the morning was spent cleaning up the Flex and finishing up all sorts of little projects. Tessa and I (a fellow castmate and senior whom I love entirely and completely) were working on small cleaning projects (aka moving lots of heavy boards and masonite) when we got excused to go hand out posters for the show, seeing as how that's my job, being the Publicity Coordinator and all. So for about an hour we drove around Jackson like MAD, handing out about fifteen posters or so and we didn't get rejected ONCE! We were looking quite rough, but despite that we got hit on at a gas station ("Hey pretty ladies...do you like tattoos?" Classy) and all of these older men who owned shops but up our posters with smiles and reassuring arm pats. Tessa even got some of Tybalt's lines quoted to her! Needless to say it was one of the best and most productive hours of this week.
Our first tech started at 2...but we didn't get on the stage until around 3. This was the first time ALL of the elements were being used-lights, costumes, hair, makeup (which is crazy AWESOME)...all of that wonderful stuff that makes up a show. It was more than a little overwhelming at times. I really don't think I've been in a show that's been so completely complicated. I really do love the concept and how we're presenting something as classic as "Romeo and Juliet", but only incorporating everything this close to opening is, well, overwhelming. That's the only word I can use to describe it...besides stressful I suppose. Surprisingly though, it did go pretty well. We got through about half of the show (some parts rougher than others) in 3 hours, came back at 7:30 with a go time of 8, and got through the rest of the show by 10. I had really minimal help with lines...they're all in my head but I was just getting so worn out it was hard to keep everything straight. Hopefully I'll have really sharp recall during the show...
All of that to say, I slept in a bit this morning (9am...that's good for me!) and had some wonderful alone time with Jesus. It was so good just to bask in his love, to be thankful to him for all he's done for me. I re-read Ps. 118 for the millionth time this week and my heart was encouraged and I was once again reminded to give thanks to God in ALL things. No matter what the circumstance, no matter what I'm going through, no matter how hard life may seem.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD. His love endures FOREVER."
And to be thankful for each day...
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us REJOICE and BE GLAD in it."
(Emphasis all mine).
I have been blessed and surrounded on every side by good things...it's astounding! God gives me these wonderful mornings alone with him to re-center, re-focus and commit myself to him. I would be happy all of my days if I could spend every morning like today-oatmeal, yummy coffee in a cute mug, and unlimited time to spend in the Word and journaling. It's almost noon now, but I'm in some of my comfiest clothes, listening to my Alexi Murdoch Pandora station on my back porch, completely content to listen to the sounds of nature all around me...God is SO good.